Why is Our Facility So Important?
Hillside’s vision is no secret. It is shared regularly from the pulpit and in most community communications. For the glory of God, Hillside Church’s vision is to connect deeply, grow fully and serve passionately. As a church, our community has been formed, grown and flourished through faith and by responding to God’s call for what this specific community of faith should be.
While the facility itself is not the church (that privilege belongs to the people), the building is what has enabled and continues to allow Hillside to work every day in hopes of fulfilling our vision. It is the home of our community, and it has been a life-giving home, allowing us to grow in fellowship, hospitality, service and celebration in so many forms. Along the way, Hillside has become known as one of the busiest little buildings in our community, serving Hillsiders and those throughout the Tri-Cities in an abundance of ways.

60 Years of Service
Over its 60 years of service, the facility has been a place where Hillsiders and others connect deeply, both to one another and to Jesus. Not only on Sundays but throughout the week, many groups make use of the building in order to connect with one another in life-giving ways, as well as grow in their knowledge and love of God. Especially in these times, that connection is vital, and is only possible because of the Hillside home.
Service is also a pillar and foundational characteristic of the Hillside Community. As a small church, it is exciting to think about all of the ways we have been able to use the facility to serve and share the love of Jesus. From busy Sundays to smaller groups throughout the week and small groups like Alpha and the Marriage Course, from big celebrations like weddings, funerals and community events to weekly outreach through food banks, guest speakers and recovery groups, the comings and goings at 1393 Austin serve a wide cross section of the community. The facility is integral to allowing Hillside and our friends and partners to engage in life-giving service.
Our Building’s Mission
We know that God uses Hillside, both the people and the building, to continue our mission to become a community of fully equipped and empowered followers of Jesus, bringing His healing, hope and compassion to the Tri-Cities and beyond. We pray that God will continue to do exactly that as we look to what is required to plan for the future at our home on Austin Avenue.